Tuesday 22 December 2009

Lake Garda

After leaving Austria we head towards Italy through the mountains. Everywhere is covered in snow but it is great to be in Italy. We decided to take a detour to Lake Garda on our way to Bologna. It was very beautiful and very cold. We had pizza overlooking the lake and reminded ourselves how good the ingredients and food are in Italy. After a late lunch we went for a walk and then headed to Bologna along the Autostrada. We are staying at our friends' (Krantz and Silvia) apartment in town.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks fantastic. We are getting the travel bug again by viewing your pics. How thick is that snow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vietnam in June, but don't think we'll see much snow.

    Got your xmas card today - ta for that. Guess what?????? Yep you're right I failed, no xmas cards this year from your bro'.

    Will call on Xmas day, but if we miss you have a gorgeous day.

    Love and miss you

    Tim and Chelle xxx

